2 Thessalonians 2:11-12, “For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.”
We have lived in a cultural of death for close to 50 years. We have killed well over 60 million unborn babies because of Roe v Wade before its overturning. Therefore, it should be no surprise that our hospitals are now killing people through Protocols of death and bioweapon "jabs" created by our own governments and a host of private sector corporations and non-profits.
In the past, I have written on “gender dysphoria,” where I discussed the experimental way in which people are being encouraged to “help” young people “gender transition,” through the administration of powerful experimental puberty blockers that artificially stop their maturation process through specific hormones. In that article I referred to the Nuremberg Doctors’ Trials which took place in Nuremburg, Germany in 1946 after the atrocities of Doctor Joseph Mengele and others in the medical field were uncovered.
I cited the Code of Ethics for human experimentation which was borne out of those doctor trials and the supposed lessons that we learned from the human death, misery and torture committed against fellow human beings in the name of research and medicine and even the “common good.”
Stand Against the Lies
Help support justice by attending one of the benefit events scheduled at various locations across the State.
The Nuremburg Code
The Nuremburg Code was developed by allied lawyers and jurists from the United States, England and France and Russia, who all participated in the prosecution of these Nazi doctors and studied in great detail, the evidence, including pictures and meticulous documentation of their evil acts. Despite this, the ethical code itself was never fully adopted by the United States. No doubt, as a result of this financially- and politically-driven decision to not adopt the strict ethical Nuremburg Code, decades ago, by those in power in the wake of WWII, we are now reaping the fruit and watching the exponential growth of this already huge industrial medical/research machine which is being fueled through federal and state healthcare/research dollars funneled through the ACA and Health and Human Services Department.
This federal redistribution of dollars from national security into this cruel and grotesque medical/research machine will be used by extremists of multiple, “isms” to unleash their hideous, godless agenda, on the most innocent in our society. But in order to accomplish their agenda, they must silence those of us who refuse to sit down and be silent.
The Nuremburg Justice Trials were first introduced to me by my business law professor, when one day, in the middle of his droll lecture, he stopped and suddenly began speaking of these Nazi war crime trials. Being intrigued, I asked him after class where I could find them. Having not been put out on the internet yet, he pointed me to the fourth floor of the law library where I found and checked out the oversized, dusty volume full of transcripts of the trial. After reading them, one day I ran into Professor Lee in the hallway. He asked if I had finished reading the “Justice Trials.” I said that I had. As he turned to walk away he looked back and said, “You know, don’t you, that it can happen, again?” I responded that, I did. Satisfied, I think, because he knew that he had passed his knowledge on to someone else that would now be responsible for watching for the signs of true medical/legal fascism, he walked away. Only a couple of years later, I read that he had died. I have always been grateful that this man took the time to veer off subject one day.
The Justice Trials were about lawyers and jurists who had perverted the law in Nazi Germany by depriving and denying Jewish people, homosexuals and the disabled equal protection of the law and by depriving them of any meaningful process or protection under the law. These groups were characterized as “non-humans” under the law and were therefore not entitled to the same protections as human beings. Brigadier General Taylor, in his opening statement at the Justice Trials declared:
“The defendants and their colleagues distorted, perverted, and finally accomplished the complete overthrow of justice and law in Germany. They made the system of courts an integral part of the dictatorship. They established and operated special tribunals obedient only to the political dictates of the Hitler regime. They abolished all semblance of judicial independence. They brow-beat, bullied, and denied fundamental rights to those who came before the courts. The ‘trials’ they conducted became horrible farces, with vestigial remnants of legal procedure which only served to mock the hapless victims…
“…the defendants are accused of participation in and responsibility for the killings, tortures, and other atrocities which resulted from and which the defendants know were an inevitable consequence of, the conduct of their offices as judges, prosecutors, and ministry officials. The men share with all the leaders of the Third Reich — diplomats, generals, party officials, industrialists, and others — responsibility for the holocaust of death and misery which the Third Reich visited on the world and on Germany, herself. In this responsibility, the share of the German men of law is not the least. They can no more escape that responsibility by virtue of their judicial robes than the general his uniform…”
Recently, we watched with stunned horror as the New York state legislature broke out into cheers. They celebrated by congratulating themselves and laughing. The celebration continued as Governor Cuomo signed the legislation into law. The source of their great glee was the ability to kill babies moments from birth in cases where the life of the mother is supposedly threatened (a lie). This medical/legal fiction was created years ago under Roe v Wade and should now be challenged in the courts because, according to every ob/gyn specialist that I have heard speak on the subject, there is no medical situation that would threaten the life of a mother more than going through labor and then having an abortion moments before giving birth. Later in the week we also saw more of a struggle in the Virginia legislature, as the extremists lost that round and the proposed legislation to murder babies at full term failed.
For a long time, I have blamed the “femi-nazis” for these extreme positions on abortion but I can no longer do so. The “need” for baby body parts for university research, biotech industries and I suspect, transplantation of these tiny organs and body parts is now spurring on the exploding growth in demand for baby organs. A friend just reminded me this morning on Facebook, that one doctor from UW-Madison medical research department testified before the Wisconsin legislature a number of years ago, that the “researchers need more abortions to happen in order to keep up with UW-Madison’s growing demand” for specimens.
At the root of all of this killing and torture of the innocents is a cold-blooded desire for more money, power and recognition. Procuring and doing research on the remains of these unloved and discarded children is profitable in many ways. Doing organ transplants will become even more profitable once they are perfected, as we have seen with adult organs where we “pretend” that someone is dead when we take their organs. Another medical/legal fiction.
These unborn children are ripped limb from limb without benefit of anesthesia. To give them a pain-free death would be to “spoil” the research specimens. As one abortionist has flippantly stated, “I don’t hear them scream because I cut their vocal cords.”
The Nuremberg Code was written and published in order to prevent future occurrences of genocide, atrocities and forced human experimentation throughout the world. Its first principle requires absolute “informed consent” of its subjects and makes no provision for surrogate decision-making. If adopted, it would prevent a mother from legally consenting to the torture, dismemberment and harvesting of the organs of their unborn children. They could still kill them under Roe v Wade, but there would be no authority found under the “privacy rights” of the mother, for the torture and organ harvesting of these babies and their body parts. Therefore, for every abortion that is done in this country it should be mandatory that the humane killing of the infant, in utero, occur before the extraction of the infant from the womb can begin.
This first principle within the Nuremberg Code would also preclude parents from being able to legally consent to the experimentation on their children by placing them on puberty suppressing hormones because these parents cannot consent to the permanent side effects of these hormones such as sterilization, loss of bone density, decreased brain development and other disabling conditions. In continuing to do research on the puberty blocking hormones which are now being given to children as young as eight years old, I have discovered that at least one hormone which is routinely given to “gender transitioning” children has serious side-effects and thousands of complaints from women to whom this hormone has been given for the treatment of endometriosis. The side-effects of Lupron are serious and irreversible: Severe joint pain, osteoporosis, compromised immune systems, depression and suicide. “Why Puberty Blockers Are A Clear Danger to Children’s Health,” Jane Robbins, (www.thefederalist.com).
And so, once again, it is an extreme political agenda driven by ideologues in many professions that have created a new medical/legal fiction which is now causing serious harm to children. The political agenda of the LGBTQ activists across the country is to indoctrinate children as young as kindergarteners in classrooms through sex education and public libraries with Drag queens reading story books.
For those young adults who made it through the lower grades without succumbing, there is now the threat of freshman university dorms. I recently read an article with stories of young women who are coming home from college with deep voices, acne and beards due to the intense levels of indoctrination that they are being subjected to in these schools and high levels of testosterone which they are taking. In one horrific case, the mother was distraught to find her twenty year old daughter had even found a predatory physician to perform a double mastectomy. Since the daughter is of the legal age to give informed consent, there is nothing the heart-broken mother can do but help her daughter deal with the permanency of her decisions and to move on with her life in its newly altered state.
It is critical that you discuss these very important issues with your federal legislators. Demand that they cut off funding to the HHS departments such as SAMHSA which is encouraging the use of gender suppressing hormones for young children while demanding that Christian counselors be silenced. Ask that they introduce legislation to make the first principle of the Nuremberg Code a federal law. Speak with your state legislators. Demand that they pass legislation that will ban the administration of puberty blockers and sex opposition hormones on children under 18 years old; reaffirm the right of counselors to use reparative therapy; ban municipalities from adopting ordinances that regulate or ban professional speech; and, provide children with a civil cause of action for 10 years beyond the age of majority against people that have enabled, encouraged, aided or participated is their use of harmful puberty suppressing hormones, opposition hormones or impulsive, life altering surgeries. Recall politicians that support “gender affirming therapy” in minor children.
Where is the Church?
It is time for the church to stand up and to demand justice for all of these children. It is the time for the political and the legal community to weigh in on these critical issues and to be held accountable for their decisions and actions or inactions. These children, whether born or unborn, cannot give informed consent, and yet in both instances we pretend that it is still somehow, moral and acceptable. Will you stand as an ideologue or will you stand for the civil rights of children to not be tortured in the womb? Will you stand for the civil rights of children to remain physically intact until they are old enough to make decisions with the full understanding and appreciation as to the life-long consequences they would be accepting if they take these hormones?
The children I have spoken of, born and unborn, have civil rights to not be tortured or experimented upon. They have the right to not be treated as a commodity or as an experimental subject where the effects are irreversible. They have a civil right to be given truth from adults rather to have dysphoric thinking recklessly and permanently acted upon by adults who should know better. When the laws of a society no longer protect the most innocent and vulnerable among us, then we have truly taken a giant leap back into the darkness.
Brigadier General Taylor continued his opening statement at the Justice trials:
“ …I have said that the defendants know, or should know, that a court is the house of law. But it is, I fear, many years since any of the defendants have dwelt therein. Great as was their crime against those who died or suffered at their hands, their crime against Germany was even more shameful. They defiled the German temple of justice, and delivered Germany into the dictatorship of the Third Reich, with all its methods of terror, and its cynical and open denial of the rule of law.
“The temple must be reconsecrated. This cannot be done in the twinkling of an eye or by any mere ritual. It cannot be done in any single proceeding or at any one place. It certainly cannot be done at Nuremberg alone. But we have here, I think, a special opportunity and grave responsibility to help achieve this goal. We have here the men who played a leading part in the destruction of law in Germany. They are about to be judged in accordance with the law. It is more than fitting that these men be judged under that which they, as jurists, denied to others. Judgment under law is the only just fate for the defendants; the prosecution asks no other.”
The Amos Center will take a strong stand in favor of defending and protecting life at every stage. We will provide strategic litigation where necessary to vindicate the rights of those who are vulnerable and those who have already been killed in hospitals through government mandated protocols which have financially incentivized death and through so-called "vaccine" jabs which have killed tens of thousands of people in the U.S., at the very least. Please stand up and join me in the fight.
— Karen Mueller